Harry Hurley

"Local and Independent Source for News"
"Hurley in the Morning"
JANUARY 19-20, 2009
Editor & Publisher
Host of "Hurley in the Morning

President George W. Bush entered office on January 20, 2001. America was in a recession and it is important to note that any time that President Bush addressed this fact, The Democrats and the Democrat media went ballistic and criticized him relentlessly.

They exhaustively reminded President-elect and then President Bush that "you can't bad mouth our economy." What did the Democrats do at every turn for 7 years ... they trashed our economy ... our military ... anything that they could to try and gain a political advantage.

The rules they attempted to apply to President Bush never applied to them.

The recession was not created by him. He was not a voting member of the United States Senate. Yet, President Bush incurred regularly savaging from the Democrats, just for pointing out what he had inherited. 

 Just a few months later, America was directly hit by the terrorist enemy on September 11, 2001.

President Bush rallied America together and developed new policies, procedures, techniques, The Homeland Security cabinet post and the re-shaping of various intelligence agencies and military coming together ... completely changing their culture and priorities.

All priorities were assigned to protecting the American people from a terrorist enemy, which had become more aggressive due to the lax attention paid during the previous 8 years. Any time we were attacked in the 1993 to 2000, the United States response was to take the terrorist enemy to a United States court room.

The flawed belief was that somehow, winning a court battle was punishment enough for the enemy. Instead, the enemy correctly interpreted this as weakness and they couldn't believe how much they could get away with and the response be so timid.

The Democrats and Democrat media spent the next year maneuvering for the day they could once again attack President Bush, to work towards bringing the Democrats back into power. They kept asking the question, "When will it be OK to criticize President Bush, again?"

It worked like a charm for the Democrats. After about a year, the American people were once again receptive to highly critical attacks against our President. And, for 7 years, they've never let up.

They have distorted the war in Iraq, aiding the Democrat agenda at every turn. Their first goal was the mid-term elections of 2004. The American people just weren't ready to reward their dirty tricks just yet.

President Bush was re-elected, despite the most biased Democrat national media  effort to unseat him in American history. President Bush won an impressive re-election to a second term with more than 52% of the popular vote. Of course, the American media again refused to call President Bush the winner on Election night and waited for John Kerry to concede the next morning.

With the mid-term elections now over, the Democrats and their pals in the Democrat media went on a political assault, the likes never before seen in American history. It was a two-year "program," to take back the majority of both houses of Congress in 2006.

It worked! The Democrats, fueled by the national media running former, disgraced Congressman Mark Foley, George Allen's "macaca" comment ... playing the American people like a fiddle. They employed every dirty trick in the book.

The Democrats won both houses by the narrowest of margins. In fact, in the Senate, the Democrats actually won a plurality ... But, the Democrat national media gave them full status as the majority party ... never bothering to explain to the American people that they really had less than 50 seats in the Senate. Nothing would be let to stand in the way of their agenda. 

The next trick was to expand Democrat margins in 2008 and run the table and take back the White House. Towards this end, the Democrat national media mastered its best trick ever.

They took a complete unknown, with no record of accomplishment whatsoever and masterfully crafted their very own, media fabricated Super Star. Glowing and voluminous daily coverage enabled the Democrat national media to literally manufacture the 44th President of The United States.

The national Democrat media completely ignored Senator John McCain's war hero status .. his incredible life's journey and his substantial resume. In fact, they did one better then that, they made McCain's vast experience somehow a liability. And, they created the perception in America that at a crucial war time and economic challenge, that having no experience trumped having vast experience.

It is an amazing feat that I still can't believe that the American people fell for this scam.

The national Democrat media regularly reports about President Bush's 28-34% job approval rating. Yet, they rarely mention that the Democrat Congress consistently has an 8% 12% job approval rating. 

In other words the American people give President Bush a 3 times better rating then the Democrat Congress ... But, this does not break through with the American people, because the anti-Bush hatred by the Democrat national media is packaged in such a way that the bad news is reserved for President Bush only.

Somehow, even with the most aggressive, negative media assault in American history ... President Bush has earned an 8-year job approval rating of 51% ... which is an amazing accomplishment based upon the biased coverage, as well as the unprecedented modern challenges that President Bush has faced for the past 8 years.

Remember, we have not been attacked by the terrorist enemy since September 11, 2001. We can only hope and pray that the next President can keep this going.

I readily and proudly admit that I resent the unfair working conditions that have been placed upon President Bush. It's even worse when you compare it to the pleasant, almost worship-level coverage that Barack Obama receives daily.

President Bush dealt with difficult challenges and rose to the occasion. He made more difficult decisions in 8 years then probably the past 4 or 5 Presidents before him combined.

He has done more and received less credit then any President in American history. President Bush has successfully framed the issue and created the necessary focus on what he named "The War on Terror."

The proof of his greatness and the success of his policies will come in the years to come. True greatness is rarely understood in its time. The recognition almost always comes later.

Conversely, those who receive reports of their greatness before it is earned, also are sorted out by history.

Let's see how much really changes beginning January 20, 2009. For example, we already know that the federal Department of Homeland Security will not be eliminated. Let's see what happens differently in Iraq? I predict that nothing changes. We will see it through to completion. A nation will have been successfully liberated from a brutal dictator, and, President Bush will be the reason why.

Let's see if Gitmo closes any day soon. And, if it does ... It will only be symbolic in nature. For, where would a responsible Commander in Chief place such heinous bad guys? In America? I don't think so.

President Bush established the TARP program to try and save the American economy and keep America from plunging into deep recession or worse. Let's see how many of the promised Obama tax increases really happens. I don't think many, if any, will.

They were terrible campaign ideas, which were trumpeted by a willing media to sound as if they were good fiscal policies in order to win a national election.

Let's all just sit back, be fair and wait and see what kind of coverage the new administration receives. We all know how aggressive the national media has been in savaging the Bush Presidency. Let's see how they treat their hand-selected choice for President.

The one thing I do know, is that they'll be no guess work here. It won't be a close call. We'll all know one way or the other if the national media implements a double-standard in the way they handle the new administration versus the way they treated President Bush.

I want to take this opportunity to thank President Bush for his steady leadership ... for his moral authority ... for his grace under fire ... for his relentless, daily pursuit of the terrorist enemy.

I want to thank President Bush for restoring honesty and integrity in The White House. 

I am very confident that history will get right .. .what the Democrat media got so wrong ... and, that President George W. Bush will go down in history as a significant and highly successful President of The United States.

I strongly believe that he will rightly take his place among the most remembered and great Presidents in American history. Besides President Lincoln, can you think of a President who has faced more difficult challenges?

Thank you President Bush for keeping America strong and safe. Thank you for not taking the easy way out. You could have made many decisions, which would have pleased the national democrat media. You stayed strong, principled.

You didn't just mark time. You made a real difference. The test of time will prove that you made difficult choices under supremely challenging conditions and that you rose above those challenges and led America through very difficult years.

Some Presidents come along during "easy" times ... You came at a time when America needed you most and you delivered.

I have been most proud of you as our President and do not look forward to you leaving at such a crucial time period.

However, you have earned this time. Enjoy it and watch as history sorts out your important decisions and corrects the record regarding the short-term political gain that was manufactured by the Democrats and the democrat media at your expense the past few years.



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